Hi, thanks for the visit. I’m Leandro, a copywriter based in Sydney.

I cut my teeth in Brazil, writing for a small ad agency when I was 18. That’s where I got my first creative award, for a café placemat around Dia dos Namorados (Valentine’s Day equivalent). I’ll be honest: it was a silver.

I moved to Sydney in 2006 with a fresh bachelor’s degree in Advertising under my arm. Not so fresh after the long trip… But no less legible, in case you value South American degrees. It’s from a respected uni!

After working in marketing for six years and becoming an Aussie citizen, it was time to get back to adland. I went through AWARD School and eventually got a shot as a creative in Australia’s largest advertising agency – where I learned from some of the best in the business from 2014 to 2022.

Aside from a fresh cultural perspective, I bring in sharp attention to detail and I try to save everybody time by thinking ahead. I love digital ideas that connect with the physical world. I also love words and enjoy writing good ol’ headlines.

In my spare time I’m a certified translator between Portuguese and English. I’ve worked with some pretty big brands adapting their content for Brazilian users and consumers. Plus I help out the Brazilian community in Australia by translating heaps of visa documents.

Other jobs I’ve had include market research, retail, and handing out newspapers. This was all after teaching English and running my own live music venue back in Porto Alegre.

When away from screens and family, I’m a casual basketballer, a modest jogger and a lapsed drummer. Sure, I like soccer too.