Better For You

A year of telling Australia how its largest bank was improving

Following the Royal Commission that put enormous pressure on Australia’s entire financial sector, CommBank was in need of a reputational shift. The Better for you campaign was devised to chip away at any negative perceptions with a barrage of proofs that the bank was actively changing for the better. Pared-back visuals were chosen to indicate austerity. This one was all about the words – with close attention to what we could or couldn’t claim.

Another week, another proof point. For over 40 weeks straight. Each of them went live across national press, social media and a landing page gathering everything. In addition, there were frequent media upweights adding radio, OOH and full page manifestos, grouping a few initiatives into themes.

From early on, the results impressed everyone involved. The first 6 months saw an outstanding brand reputation uplift of 20%, with recall rates of around 32% and wear-out at just 34% (despite the unchanging art direction). People were actually taking in the campaign, and it was changing their minds about CommBank.